Two positions in epistemology of ML

My friend Florian Boge is looking for a PhD and a Postdoc for his upcoming project Scientific Understanding and Deep Neural Networks at TU Dortmund. This project will try to get a better grasp at concepts of explanation and understanding in XAI using the philosophy of science toolbox. It was also featured in The List and you can check out their full research description in GEPRIS. A background in the relevant PhilSci debates and some natural science surely is of benefit.

In any case Florian encourages applications even if you don’t fulfill the formal requirements in the job offer (for example if your degree is not in philosophy).

In my opinion this is a very interesting and relevant research project, with the additional benefit that not much work has been done in connecting PhilSci with epistemological questions in ML. So there is ample opportunity do to original research.

If you want to work in epistemology of ML this is an excellent opportunity.

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